Apr 20, 2015 Maria Arménia Carrondo takes office as FCT President As of today, FCT has a new president. For the first time in the institution's history, this position is held by a woman - scientist Maria Arménia Carrondo.
Apr 18, 2015 José Mariano Gago (1948 - 2015) FCT notes with deep regret the death of José Mariano Gago. The scientific community is paying tribute to this major figure in science policy by stopping for five minutes at noon on April 20th.
Apr 16, 2015 New X-ray camera: 3D images with minimum radiation A research team at the Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN-IST) is developing a pioneering X-ray technology that will allow 3D imaging of the inside of the human body, using low doses of radiation.
Apr 16, 2015 New Rx camera: 3D images, minimal radiation Seeing the inside of the human body in three dimensions with minimal doses of ionizing radiation is what an innovative technology under development at the Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN-IST) will allow.
27 Mar 2015 LaserLab's study on photovoltaic cells is Hot Article Could energy-producing windows one day replace traditional photovoltaic panels? A study on third generation photovoltaic cells, takes a major step towards developing windows that directly transform sunlight into electricity.
27 Mar 2015 Study on photovoltaic cells is Hot Article Replace photovoltaic panels with windows capable of producing electricity? A study by LaseLab at the University of Coimbra has taken a step toward the future development of windows that turn sunlight into electricity.
Mar 17, 2015 Veniam'Works set to expand citywide WiFi networks into US cities Spin-off compnay form FCT-funded CMU-Portugal Program raised $5 million in venture capital to speed up deployment of connected vehicles and cities.
Mar 17, 2015 Veniam'Works set to expand WiFi networks to US cities A spin-off of the CMU-Portugal Program, funded by FCT, has secured $5 million in venture capital to accelerate the connection of vehicles and cities to the Internet.
03 Mar 2015 Pulido Valente Prize goes to study on tips of chromosomes João Pedro Vinagre, a researcher at IPATIMUP, University of Porto, is the winner of the 2014 edition of the Pulido Valente Prize.
03 Mar 2015 Pulido Valente Prize 2014 for study on chromosome ends João Pedro Vinagre, from the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology (IPATIMUP) at the University of Porto is the winner of the Pulido Valente Prize 2014.
Feb 26, 2015 Portugal-based researchers secure record number of European Research Council grants Fifteen researchers working in Portugal secured funding in the 2014 calls of the European Research Council (ERC).
Feb 26, 2015 European Research Council recognizes scientists working in Portugal Fifteen researchers in Portugal received funding from the European Research Council's 2014 Calls .