Opening of four new Calls JRC for access to research infrastructures

The European Commission's Joint Research Center (JRC) has launched four new Calls under the framework for open access to its research infrastructures:
- MONNET, Tandem accelerator based fast neutron source (EUFRAT), with code 2024-1-RD-EUFRAT-MONNET;
- HADES, Underground laboratory for ultra-low level gamma-ray spectrometry (EUFRAT), under code 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-HADES;
- RADMET, Radionuclide Metrology laboratories (EUFRAT), with code 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-RADMET;
- GELINA, the JRC Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility (EUFRAT), with code 2024-1-RD- EUFRAT-RADMET.
Applications are open until June 30 and can be made through the individual pages Call, indicated in the links above. General information on the JRC's open access activities can be found in the Brochure on the JRC's research infrastructures.
The FCT is responsible for disseminating news and opportunities related to the JRC.
Published on 15 May 2024