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Public consultations


There are currently no open public consultations.


Public Consultation on the Draft Amendment to the Regulation on the Evaluation and Multiannual Financing of R&D Units

until November 14, 2023

Pursuant to articles 99 and 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, the FCT Board of Directors submits for public consultation this proposal to amend the Regulation on the Evaluation and Multiannual Financing of FCT Research and Development Units, Regulation no. 404/2022, amended by Regulation no. 789/2023, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 140, of July 20, 2023.

Interested parties can send their suggestions, preferably digitally, to the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. at the following email address:

Public Consultation on the Policy on Open Access to Scientific Publications Resulting from Research Funded by FCT

until May 22, 2023

Scientific progress depends to a large extent on the free flow of scientific research results. Open access to scientific publications is one of the instruments for achieving this result, which is even more important when the publications result from public funding.
The commitment to open access has led FCT to adhere to Plan S, promoted by the cOAlition S, which advocates that all publications that result from funding from its members should be made available in open access, either through their publication in open access journals or platforms, or through their publication in hybrid journals under transformative agreements, or, finally, through their deposit in open access repositories, without being subject to embargo periods.
The FCT is now translating the commitment to open science it has made by joining Plan S into a new Open Access Policy, which is now up for public consultation.
Contributions should be sent to until May 22, 2023.

Public consultation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the Horizon Europe Candidate Partnership "Agriculture of Data"

until January 23, 2023

Public consultation on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European Partnership on Sustainable Food Systems

until December 19, 2022

Draft Regulations for Granting Support to International Researcher Mobility Projects

until August 19, 2022

The draft Regulations for Granting Support for International Researcher Mobility Projects in the field of science and technology and in the context of FCT Bilateral Cooperation Agreements and Arrangements are under public consultation until August 19, 2022.
Comments on the proposal may be sent to

Draft Regulations for the Evaluation and Multiannual Financing of R&D Units

until March 4th, 2022

The draft Regulations for Evaluation and Pluriannual Financing of R&D Units are under public consultation until March 4, 2022.
Comments on the proposal can be sent to

Revision of the Regulations for the National Advanced Computing Network

until November 26, 2021

The proposed revision to the text of the Regulation of Advanced Computing Projects is under public consultation for 30 days - until November 26th 2021 at 5pm - in order to optimize and simplify some bureaucratic aspects and, mainly, to allow the realization of future Calls that include platforms external to the RNCA.
Comments on this proposal should be sent to

Proposed Regulations for the João Monjardino Prize

until June 2, 2021

The Proposal for the Regulation of the João Monjardino Award is under public consultation until June 2, 2021.
Comments on the proposal may be sent to

Proposed Regulation for the Evaluation and Multiannual Financing of Academic Clinical Centers

until June 2, 2021

The Proposal for the Draft Regulations for Evaluation and Multi-Year Funding of Clinical Academic Centers is under public review until June 2, 2021.
Comments on the proposal can be sent to

Annexes to the Regulations of the National Advanced Computing Network

until March 23, 2021

The proposal for annexes to the Regulations of the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA), which define the minimum requirements for the adhesion of operational and competence centers to the RNCA, is under public consultation until March 23, 2021 , at 5:00 p.m. Comments on this proposal should be sent to

Proposed Regulations for Advanced Computing Projects

until May 15, 2020

A proposal for the Regulation of Advanced Computing Projects is under public consultation until May 15.
Comments on the proposal can be sent to

Proposal for Internal Regulations for the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA)

until February 20, 2020

A proposal for Internal Regulations for the National Computing Network (RNCA) is under public consultation until February 20.
Comments on the proposal can be sent to

Draft Regulation of Studentships of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P.

until November 12, 2019

The scientific community is invited to submit suggestions on the draft Regulation of Studentships of Research.
Contributions and suggestions should be submitted to

Draft Regulations for Granting Status and Funding to Associate Laboratories

until August 2nd, 2019

The scientific community is invited to submit suggestions on the draft Regulations for the Granting of Status and Awarding of Funding to Associate Laboratories.
Contributions and suggestions should be submitted to

Proposed operating model for the National Advanced Computing Network

until August 15, 2018

The proposed operating model for the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA) is up for public consultation until August 3rd. The proposal is the result of the Advanced Computing Working Group, inserted in Axis 5 - Research - of INCoDe.2030.
Comments on the proposal can be sent to

Draft Regulations for the Evaluation and Multiannual Financing of R&D Units

until June 5, 2017

Draft Scientific Employment Regulation (REC)

until May 12, 2017

Draft Scientific Employment Regulation (REC)

until May 12, 2017

Draft Regulations for the Award of the Collaborative Laboratory Title (COLAB)

until April 18, 2017

Publication of the Start of the Procedure and Participation Procedure for the drafting of the "Draft Regulation for the Evaluation of U&I 2017"

until January 9, 2017

The scientific community is invited to submit suggestions and contributions to the drafting of the Regulation that will establish the new evaluation and funding models for R&D units with the aim of promoting the strengthening and stability of the institutions evaluated.
Interested parties can submit their suggestions by email to by January 9 , 2017 (which corresponds to the legal deadline of 15 working days from the date of publication online).
from the date of online publication). Useful documents:

Draft regulations for projects financed exclusively by national funds through the FCT

until July 8, 2016

The scientific community is invited to submit contributions and suggestions on the draft proposal for a regulation on support for projects financed exclusively by national funds through FCT. Contributions and suggestions should preferably be submitted by email to by July 8 , 2016 (corresponding to 30 working days from the publication of this public consultation).
It should be remembered that this regulation aims to update the rules for evaluating and funding projects exclusively financed by national funds through the FCT, making them compatible and aligned with the general lines of the Specific Regulation for the Competitiveness and Internationalization Domain (RECI), which establishes the regulations for projects co-financed by structural and investment funds. Useful documentation:

Announcement of the Start of the Procedure and Procedural Participation for the draft regulation of projects financed exclusively by national funds through the FCT

until November 9, 2015

The scientific community is invited to submit contributions and suggestions for the drafting of a new regulation establishing the rules for selecting, funding and monitoring the implementation of projects financed exclusively by national funds through FCT. Contributions and suggestions should be submitted by email to by November 9 , 2015 (corresponding to 10 working days from the publication of this public consultation).
The aim of this public consultation is to help update the rules for selecting and funding projects financed through FCT (by national funds), following the entry into force of the specific regulations of the Portugal 2020 program.

Useful documentation:

Consultation with the National Scientific and Technological System community: collaboration with Japan and South Korea

until May 22, 2015

FCT is currently surveying the entities of the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN) that have past, current or future collaboration with Japan and/or South Korea. It is intended that the results of this consultation will help identify the actors and strategic scientific areas in order to assist decision making in future funding options. The questionnaire was available for response until May 22, 2015.
Any clarification can be made by email to

Proposal for the regulation of the Science Communication and Management Program

until November 28, 2014

In preparation for the launch of the new program for hiring doctoral candidates for science management communication positions, FCT launches to the entire scientific community a public consultation on the draft regulation by which the Call will be governed. The public consultation period runs from 24 October to 28 November 2014.
Contributions should be sent by e-mail to

Proposed regulations for the 2013 R&D Units Evaluation Exercise

until March 13, 2013

In preparation for this exercise, FCT launched to the entire scientific community a public consultation on the proposed regulation by which the evaluation and funding of R&D units will be governed. The public consultation period ran from 28 February to 13 March 2013.

FCT's Open Access Policy Proposal

until July 19, 2013

The FCT Open Access Policies encompass rules and recommendations for free and online access to peer-reviewed publications and data resulting from FCT-funded scientific research. The public consultation period took place between 17 June and 19 July 2013.