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FCT organizes session on MSCA Staff Exchanges, ERA Talents and Twinning

Horizon Europe Results

FCT will hold an information session dedicated to the various Horizon Europe instruments for funding the creation of collaborative networks and mobility actions. The focus is on three Calls: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges ( open until February 28, 2024), ERA Talents(deadline for submission of proposals September 26, 2024) and Twinning (next Call to be announced).

MSCA Staff Exchanges fund short-term stays (between 1 and 12 months) at institutions in other countries, promoting interdisciplinary mobility and mobility between the academic and non-academic sectors. ERA Talents also promotes intersectoral mobility, but focuses on Widening countries (such as Portugal). Twinning aims to train an institution in a Widening country in a particular scientific area through collaboration with at least two leading European research institutions.

These three funding instruments have similar objectives, aimed at building the capacity of institutions through the circulation of researchers and people with functions directly linked to research and the creation of international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral networks. However, each of them has its own objectives and specific requirements for the composition of consortia. The aim of this session is to give a joint view of these funding opportunities that are relevant to the national scientific community.

The session will take place exclusively online on October 25, starting at 10 a.m.It will last one hour and prior registration is mandatory.