Given that the field of marine science and technology is transdisciplinary, there are several R&D institutions that contribute to knowledge and innovation in this area. Some of these institutions are dedicated to marine affairs, while others have only specific lines of activity. Some of these institutions are funded by FCT through its support to R&D Institutions and others do not receive funding from FCT.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of R&D institutions and research groups in the field of marine science and technology in Portugal.
- 3B's - 3B's Research Group (Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics)
- AIR Centre - Atlantic International Research Centre
- ARNET - Aquatic Research Network
- B2E - Blue Economy CoLAB
- CCMAR - Center for Marine Sciences of the Algarve
- CEG - Center for Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon
- CEiiA - Center for Engineering and Development
- CENTEC - Center for Naval and Oceanic Engineering and Technology
- CERENA - Center for Natural Resources and Environment
- CERNAS - Center for Natural Resources, Environment and Society Studies
- CESAM - Center for Environmental and Marine Studies
- CIBIO-MarChange - Marine Ecology, Diversity and Change
- CIEMAR - Marine Sciences Laboratory
- CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research
- CIMA UALG - Marine and Environmental Research Center
- CINAV - Naval Research Center
- CINTAL - Algarve Technological Research Center
- COASTNET - Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network
- DSOR - Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics Laboratory
- EBMF - Marine Biology Station of Funchal
- EMBRC.PT - European Marine Biological Resource Centre - Portugal
- EMEPC - Mission Structure for the Extension of the Continental Shelf
- EMSO-PT - European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory - Portugal
- Green CoLaB
- IDL - Dom Luiz Institute
- IH - Hydrographic Institute
- InBIO - Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
- INEGI - Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering
- INESC-TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science
- IPMA - Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere
- LARSyS - Associate Laboratory Robotics and Engineering Systems
- LEPABE - Laboratory of Process, Environmental, Biotechnology and Energy Engineering
- LIAM-IEP - Line of Research in Marine Affairs
- LSA - Laboratory for Autonomous Systems
- LSTS - Laboratory of Underwater Systems and Technology
- MARE - Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences
- MARETEC - Center for Environmental and Marine Science and Technology
- OKEANOS - Institute for Research in Marine Sciences
- OOM - Madeira Ocean Observatory
- S2AQUAcoLAB - Collaborative Laboratory on Sustainable and Intelligent Aquaculture
- TEC4SEA - Modular Platform for Research, Test and Validation of Technologies supporting a Sustainable Blue Economy
- UGHCG-LNEG - Geology, Hydrogeology and Coastal Geology Unit
- WavEC Offshore Renewables
(If your institution or group is not included above, please send an email requesting its inclusion to Ana Amorim -
Updated January 6, 2025