FCT: 20 Years Supporting Science and Technology in Portugal
In 2017 the commemorations for the 20th anniversary of the Foundation for Science and Technology and the 50th anniversary of the creation of its predecessor, the JNICT, will be held. The celebrations will start with a Ciência 2017 meeting - the main meeting of the scientific community in Portugal, held between the 3rd and 5th of July at the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa - and will be held until the Ciência 2018.
Throughout this year, a series of events, initiatives and materials will be held. At this first moment, the FCT discloses some materials prepared for the occasion:
Commemorative logo of the 20th anniversary of the FCT and FCT's new logo: Developed by designer Pedro Gonçalves. It is an adaptation of the FCT logo, in which it was intended to keep the same font and color. The logo is only used by FCT, and it will be used in all materials produced for this year's events, competitions and others. calls At the same time, the new FCT logo will start to be implemented, developed on the same principles, but bringing two advantages over the current one:
1 - increased readability and adaptation to digital media: the FCT name is written in a larger font than previously used, easier to read when used in small formats. The vertical square version also allows a more versatile use of the logo. On the other hand, FCT gains more weight, strengthening the FCT brand.
2 - greater stability: the new logo follows the logic of the FCT website domain, which identifies only the Foundation and not its tutelage. Thus, the new logo may be used for longer, without the need to be changed in case the name of the organization that wards it changes.
The new logo will be available soon to the scientific community, and there will be a transition period of one year, during which they may use the old or the new logo. The adaptation of the materials to the new logo will be gradual, so there is no waste of materials already produced.
Memory of Science: The Science and Technology Archive is developing an initiative to collect and preserve the memory of Science in Portugal, as well as that of the FCT and of JNICT. If you have materials, testimonials, images or any other record of this period, please contact the Archives. Help us preserve the memory of Science in Portugal!
Time Tunnel: do you still remember the previous versions of the FCT site? Arquivo Web remembers, and well! Therefore, we developed the Time Tunnel project, which allows traveling to the ancient sites of the Foundation and recall some memorable moments. The site is available at http://former.fct.pt/tuneldotempo20anos/
We count on you to make this anniversary what it should be: a celebration for all of us!