FCT opens Call for the attribution of the title of Collaborative Laboratory - CoLAB
The Foundation for Science and Technology has opened the Call for recognition and awarding of the title of Collaborative Laboratory.
Collaborative Laboratories should be established as private non-profit associations or companies. Their main objective is to create, directly and indirectly, qualified employment and scientific employment in Portugal, through the implementation of research and innovation agendas oriented to the creation of economic and social value.
CoLABs must meet the challenge of densification of the national territory in terms of knowledge-based activities, through an increasing consolidation of forms of collaboration between science, technology and higher education institutions and the economic and social fabric, namely companies, the hospital and health system, cultural institutions and social organizations.
The Call will be open permanently. Obtaining the title will later make it possible to apply for specific funding.
More information about Call is available at Call, in the Call for Applications, the Submission Guide, the Evaluation Guide, and the Regulations for Awarding the Title of Collaborative Laboratory (CoLAB).