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R&D investment plans to reach 3% of GDP by 2030

It was published today the resolution of the Council of Ministers with the strategic guidance for the total expenditure on R&D to reach 3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2030, compared to a value of total expenditure on R&D of 1.62% of GDP in 2020, when private spending represented 57% of the total. It also includes the guideline enshrined at European level for public spending to grow to 1% of GDP, while private spending should grow to 2% of GDP (against 2020 values of 0.66% of GDP for public spending and 0.96% of GDP for private spending).

The stability and predictability of funding through programming in science and technology allows stimulating the confidence of public and private actors, encouraging private investment in R&D activities and institutional cooperation between companies, the productive, social and cultural fabric in general and R&D institutions, recognizing their social, economic and cultural impact. Thus, the resolution published today deepens and updates the implementation of the guidelines for a strategy of technological and business innovation for Portugal 2018-2030, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 25/2018, March 8.

This resolution enshrines the European terms of reference in articulation with the reform and modernization of the mechanisms supporting the demand and supply of knowledge through R&D activities. It includes support for innovation and the promotion of scientific culture, in order to continue to strengthen and modernize national scientific and technological capacity, accelerate the dual digital and climate transition and evolve in interface relations between knowledge supply and demand, stimulating the restructuring of the economy based on knowledge and the creation of skilled jobs, as well as scientific, social and environmental robustness. This legal framework materializes an objective expressed in the program of the XXII Constitutional Government and ensures, as of now, the implementation of the specific recommendations of the European Commission (EC) of 2018 and 2019 about Portugal, namely about national investment in research and innovation.

In these terms, the resolution published today encourages the continuity of the convergence process with Europe, which has been assured since 2016 and is intended to strengthen until 2030. It also includes the reforms contracted with the EC under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), 2021-2026, regarding the growth of the level of public and private investment in R&D and guarantees the implementation of a legal framework in accordance with the EC Communication COM(2020) 628, of September 30, 2020 and, in particular, with the Council Recommendation (EU) 2021/2122 of November 26, 2021 for a Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe, in order to ensure the effective participation of Portugal in the European Research Area.

Council of Ministers Resolution no. 186/2021
Approves the public investment program in research and development for 2021-2030