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CIÊNCIAVITAE webinar: learn more about the new curriculum management platform

On December 3 at 10:30 there will be another webinar in English dedicated to the new curriculum management platform, CIÊNCIAVITAE. During this online session, the community can learn more about how the new platform works, what is possible to do and how CIÊNCIAVITAEcan improve knowledge production, making the process of curriculum management simpler.

CIÊNCIAVITAEis a single, personalized, simple, harmonized and structured curriculum, hosted at It allows the gathering in a single platform all the information regarding the user, whether student, researcher or institution, and that is currently scattered in multiple platforms, such as FCT-SIG CV, DeGóis, RENATES, REBIDES, ORCID and RCAAP.

This initiative is part of the presentation sessions, both face-to-face and distance, planned for the coming months on the new curriculum platform. These webinars are aimed at the whole community, including researchers and S&T managers.

To participate in the December 3 webinar, register here.

Follow all CIÊNCIAVITAE's dissemination sessions on this page.