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Portuguese supercomputer Deucalion joins TOP500 of the world's most efficient supercomputers

News Deucalion supercomputer

The Deucalion supercomputer, installed in Guimarães and inaugurated in September last year, appears for the first time on the TOP500 list of the world's most efficient supercomputers, marking the debut of this Portuguese infrastructure in the distinction - it reaches 81st position in energy efficiency of the Arm partition and 219th in processing speed.

The news appears in the June 2024 edition of the TOP500 (already released), which ranks the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world since 1993. The list was announced at ISC 2024, which took place in Hamburg, Germany.

Deucalion is part of the EuroHPC joint venture's network of European supercomputers accessible to research and innovation communities. This is a joint FCT project, developed through the FCCN and the EuroHPC European partnership, and this supercomputer is capable of achieving a High Performance Linpack (HPL) performance of 3.9 petaflops.

Located at the University of Minho, Deucalion also features in the Green500 classification, a list that ranks supercomputers according to their energy consumption. In this list, thanks to its low carbon footprint, the Portuguese supercomputer is in 80th place.