Webinar on Calls of the European Research Council 2023/2024

The European Research Council ( ERC ) Executive Agency will be holding the "ERC Grant Competitions 2024" dissemination session to inform people about Calls of the 2024 Work Program. In this webinar, which will take place on September 20 at 11:15 a.m. (Lisbon time), the deadlines for submitting applications in the last quarter of 2023 and in 2024 will be announced. The new features of Call will also be presented, such as the narrative CV and the simplified costs pilot project. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the current and future Calls.
The session will feature interventions by the Head of the Scientific Management Department of the European Research Council, Angela Liberatore, the Head of Unit "Support to the Scientific Council", Jose Labastida, and the Head of Communications, the moderator Anthony Lockett.
FCT ensures national representation and coordination of the promotion of research and innovation activities under the Scientific Excellence Pillar of Horizon Europe, within the context of the PERIN network. In this way, it coordinates support to the scientific and technological community for initiatives such as the ERC.
The session can be followed here.