3rd edition of the MIT Portugal Summer School in Marine Robotics
The 3rd edition of the MIT Portugal Summer School in Marine Robotics will take place from 10 to 21 July, in the Azores island of Faial. The submission period for applications is open until 24 April.
From the proposed applications, the initiative will select 12 students from Portuguese universities and 12 students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with master's degrees and first year PhDs with a strong interest in marine robotics and oceanography, namely ocean observation, archeology and ecosystem mapping. The travel and accommodation of the selected candidates will be supported by the organisation of the initiative.
The Summer School is a joint organization of the MIT Portugal Program, the Laboratory of Underwater Systems and Technologies (LSTS) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), and the Research Institute of Marine Sciences of the University of the Azores (OKEANOS). The course will also have the participation of the Collaborative Laboratory for the Atlantic (CoLab +ATLANTIC), the Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation, the Azores School of the Sea, and is supported by the Regional Government of the Azores.
The MIT Portugal Program is an international partnership with FCT funding, which aims to develop collaborative research between MIT and Portuguese universities, research institutes, laboratories and companies, leveraging innovative high impact ideas and research projects with potential to address complex challenges of global and social impact.
More information and application details: 2023 Marine Robotics Summer School - MIT Portugal