Hackathon Championship for European Citizens for Climate 2024
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) has launched the first hackathon for European citizens, with the aim of getting citizens more involved in climate change research and innovation.
This initiative aims to promote the creation of solutions to climate change, driven by the needs of citizens and co-created with citizens, together with industry, cities, regions, public administrations and, of course, research communities.
The first phase will consist of a series of locally-programmed marathons, organized by 22 organizations across Europe (EU Member States and Associated States), where teams made up of citizens and researchers will compete for the best solutions to the challenges of climate change. The Championship will be implemented mainly online, in partnership with the services of the selected consortia, based on a call for proposals.
The winning teams will receive training and mentoring through a specifically designed program so that they can continue to develop their ideas, preparing them to compete in the EU final. In the second phase, the winning teams from all the local hackathons will compete against each other in a final European hackathon , which will take place in the fall of 2024 and will serve to identify three European champions.
The initiative will also support the EU Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission and the EU Climate Change Adaptation Mission to empower citizens to shape the future, mitigate climate change and adapt to it.
For more information, go to the European Commission's website. You can register for any of the 22 hackathons, which will take place from May 2024, here.
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