PhD Studentships: Call for expression of interest for non-academic host institutions
On January 31, FCT published the Call for PhD Studentships in all scientific domains (General track and Non-academic track), whose applications will take place between March 1 and 31. In this Call, work plans developed in close articulation with non-academic entities that will host the grantees for a considerable part of their work leading to the doctoral degree are of particular relevance.
With this initiative, FCT will strengthen the connection between the work plans developed in an academic environment and the business and social fabric, in a broad sense, which includes companies, public, social, health, cultural entities or other interface institutions. FCT thus aims at the qualification of doctoral students through training with an impact on the valorization of the organizations involved, intervening in the areas of science, innovation, health, education, culture or social welfare, among others. It is expected that the knowledge to be generated in this line of funding will have a high impact on society.
Entities wishing to benefit from this public policy of promoting science funding, with direct impact on society by hosting doctoral fellows, are invited to submit their expression of interest proposal through this form.
The Expressions of Interest submitted allow applicants to identify hosting opportunities for their research plans in non-academic entities. Nevertheless, applicants may submit, in this funding line, applications in other areas and with other entities that do not appear on the list being updated in this expression of interest. This expression of interest is optional. All applications will be evaluated competitively.
Potential doctoral students can consult the list of non-academic entities that have expressed their interest in hosting a doctoral student and discuss potential work plans with the submitted point of contact.
These Studentships doctoral programs imply a commitment to cossupervision of the execution of the work plan in the respective host institutions. This funding instrument does not involve costs for the entities that join the program, whether academic or non-academic.