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FCT and ANI promote session dedicated to the European Research and Innovation Councils (ERC and EIC)

Continuing the various initiatives carried out jointly within the PERIN network, FCT and ANI are promoting a session dedicated to the programs European Research Council (ERC) and European Innovation Council (EIC) programs of Horizon Europe. The online session will take place on June 7, between 09h30 and 11h00.

The topic of the event will be "Opportunities to fund R&D projects with scientific research components par excellence". The potential synergies to be established between the two programs will be addressed, as well as what sets them apart, clarifying candidates' doubts and preparing them for the preparation of successful proposals.

ERC and EIC are Horizon Europe programs that aim to fund R&D projects with scientific research components. The ERC falls under Pillar I - Scientific Excellence of Horizon Europe, and the EIC under Pillar II - Innovative Europe. Both focus on research projects with the aim of achieving scientific breakthroughs and emerging and disruptive technological solutions. This session will be an opportunity to explore the synergies and differences between the two, so that applicants can make use of the various funding opportunities, as well as plan a path of technological leverage in the medium to long term.

Registration is free but compulsory - sign up here.

See the event agenda.