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FCCN 2025 conference registration now open

Photograph of the city of Coimbra with graphics alluding to the FCCN Days

The 2025 edition of the FCCN Days will be held from May 6 to 8 at the Convento de São Francisco in Coimbra. Promoted annually by the Foundation for Science and Technology(FCT), through its digital services unit FCCN, this edition also has the support of the University of Coimbra and Coimbra City Council.

The FCCN Days are the annual meeting point for the various communities of managers and users of advanced computing and communication platforms and other digital services for the higher education and research community.

In addition to sharing knowledge, all participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the dialog on emerging themes and technologies, as well as news related to FCCN's areas of activity: Connectivity, Computing, Collaboration, Knowledge and Security.

Debate sessions, plenary sessions, workshops and working meetings are just some of the events planned for this edition. This meeting allows you to get in touch with the main services that FCT, through FCCN, provides to the education and research community, as well as with dozens of companies that work in the areas under discussion at the event and that support it. This year there will also be new spaces focused on the community and its sharing of knowledge, as well as some cultural activities designed to introduce participants to the city of Coimbra.

Registration is free and must be done via the registration platform.

Organizations wishing to take part in the 16th edition of the FCCN Days as sponsors can still do so. To guarantee their representation at the initiative, they must submit an Expression of Interest by February 28th. All the information is available on the FCCN Conference website.