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Scientific Merit Medals REN - Ciência LP- FCT

News REN scientific merit medals - Ciência LP - FCT

Rosa Jacob Chilundo and Chadido Lacerda Diogo won the 2023 Edition of the Medals of Scientific Merit, awarded by REN, Ciência LP and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), an initiative that aims to recognise and value the research work carried out by young people from Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), in the areas of energy and energy transition.

The 1st Prize was awarded to Rosa Jacob Chilundo, with her PhD thesis – "Study of the photovoltaic system for pumping water for irrigation and supply of other energy demands: tomato case, Boane District, Maputo Province". Chadido Lacerda Diogo was in 2nd place with the Master's Thesis – "Renewable energies as a solution for electrification in rural communities from the perspective of sustainability, reliability and safety. Case Study: Chinamacondo Administrative Post, Dondo District". The winner received diplomas alluding to the Medals, in addition to a cash prize of five thousand euros for the first place and two thousand five hundred euros for the second place.

The REN – Ciência LP- FCT Medals of Scientific Merit are the result of a partnership between REN, Centro Ciência LP and FCT.