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2nd Call of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration Program selected 13 projects

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) released this week the result of the evaluation of the 2nd Call of Projects of Scientific Research and Technological Development in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration - 2019The FCT has recommended 13 IC&DT projects for funding. In total, the Call translates into an investment of nearly 3 million euros over three years, for the implementation of the selected projects.

This was the second of three annual Calls under the National Initiative Digital Skills e.2030, Portugal INCoDe.2030, namely under Axis 5 - Research. The program involves an overall budget of 10 million euros, with the central objective of promoting scientific knowledge from the analysis of large amounts of data available in the Public Administration. Ultimately, it is intended that the results will help to significantly improve the delivery of services to citizens and businesses, and also the decision-making processes, which will be progressively based on a deep knowledge of reality, technically supported by evidence and not intuitions.

The 13 projects proposed for funding in this second Call, which received 69 eligible applications, are distributed across the areas of Artificial Intelligence (5 projects) and Data Science (8 projects). In the previous Call , held in 2018, 49 eligible applications were submitted, and were selected for funding 15 projects in several areas of Public Administration, which are currently under execution.