Centro Internet Segura launches new app for iOS, Android and Microsoft

(Full English version available soon)
This is a game developed for young people from the age of 12 that warns about the dangers of the Internet. Viruses trojans, malware, Ads, worms, SPAMs are some of the "enemies" that players will have to face in the app INES Cyberspace Battle. In a "Star Wars" style, this game challenges users to enter the digital universe to block malicious attacks from Dark Serverthe villain who wants to conquer cyberspace. A app also includes a quizz with five questions per level, which when answered correctly will allow players to collect "energy" to defend the city. The app is available for iOS, Android, and Microsoft.
This new game was launched during the Seminar Do Your Part for a Better Internet, which involved experts from various areas of society in the discussion on topics such as digital identity, online behaviors and addictions, data protection, and privacy.
The seminar program also included the presentation of projects in the areas of social inclusion, gender equality, digital education and global education. Miguel Silva, from the Council of Europe's North-South Center, presented the distance learning program for Global Education and the Center's work in promoting activities for the promotion of Human Rights, Intercultural Dialogue and Participatory Citizenship.
In the context of raising awareness of the responsible use of the Internet and technologies, the various initiatives carried out by the partners of the Safe Internet Centre Consortium were presented. Examples of these good practices are the SeguraNet - Navegar em Segurança project from the Directorate-General for Education and the The Web We Want initiative from the Insafe network, both aimed at the education community.
To talk about Life beyond Like João Pedro Damas, Youth Ambassador for Internet Safety, Vasco Touguinha, representative of the National Youth Council, Mário Silva from Bué Fixe Association, Rita Cameiro Brito from Youth for Equality Network, and Tiago Gouveia from Choices Program (site in Portuguese) were invited to talk about life beyond like. This panel of young people was led by television presenter Pedro Fernandes.
For about an hour the audience shared the enthusiasm of these five young people, their experiences and the work they are doing with policy makers for the causes they champion, and how they are contributing to making the Internet a better and safer place.
João Pedro Damas is a Youth Ambassador for Internet Safety, that is, he is the interlocutor with giants such as Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, among others, for the ideas and doubts of young people of his age [and others] who are taking their first steps in the world of the Internet. John was one of the fifteen young Europeans who participated in the drafting of the Youth Manifesto for building a better Internet, an initiative of the European Commission and the Insafe network launched in 2015 and which mirrors the wishes of young people for the future of the Internet. "We want a faster, more inclusive and open access Internet"
Mário Silva represents Bué Fixe, a youth association that supports young people in vulnerable situations such as unemployment, social exclusion, and risk of STD infection, among others. In 2013, this association was distinguished in the United Nations (UN) World Youth Report in the category of "Good Practices" for its work in promoting the access of immigrants to HIV/AIDS prevention programs. In the area of human rights, Bué fixe is part of the movement Hate No! the campaign that is running until 2017 to combat racism and discrimination in its online expression.
Rita Cameiro Brito, from the Youth Network for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men highlights the association's work for "the promotion of gender equality respecting the precepts and guidelines of the United Nations and the European Union. It develops information, training, pressure and influence, research, solidarity and education and cooperation activities." REDE promotes online and offlineactivism and is involved in the dissemination of the "No Hate Speech Movement" campaign, participating in national and international events.
To close Safer Internet Day, the play ID - your mark on the Net! with actors Alexandre da Silva, Pedro Górgia, Tiago Aldeia and Vicente Morais. This is a PT Foundation production in the scope of the Communicate Safely program that has been on tour since 2012 in schools and theaters throughout the country. During about 50 minutes, several situations are represented with humour that alert to the risks of online exposure from identity theft, digital reputation, cyberbullying, fraud, among others.
The Seminar Do your Part for a Better Internet, held on 4th February in Lisbon, was an initiative of the Internet Segura (Safer Internet) Center, coordinated by the FCT, in collaboration with the PT Foundation to mark the Safer Internet Day in Portugal.
The Internet is a worthwhile place!