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Call AI 4 COVID-19 selected 12 projects

The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) has released the evaluation results of Call for IC&DT Projects "AI 4 COVID-19: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration to strengthen the fight against COVID 19 and future pandemics - 2020", which recommends 12 projects for funding from among 39 evaluated applications. The implementation of the selected projects, with a duration of 24 to 36 months, translates into a total investment of 3 million euros. The selected projects can be consulted here.

The Call AI 4 COVID-19 is framed in the National Initiative Digital Skills e.2030, Portugal INCoDe.2030, in Axis 5 - Research. This corresponds to the 3rd edition of Calls annual program for research in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration. This program involved an overall allocation of 10 million euros and now ends with a total of 44 funded projects. FCT has produced a brochure presenting the first 32 projects under the program, which includes projects selected in the 2018 and 2019 editions and 4 pilot projects, which can be found here.

The central objective of the program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration was to promote scientific knowledge from the analysis of large amounts of data available in the Public Administration. It is intended that the results of the ongoing research will help find solutions to significantly improve the delivery of services to citizens and businesses, and also the decision-making processes, which will be progressively based on a knowledge of reality, technically supported by evidence rather than intuitions.