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Call from JPI Oceans for Microplastics Research

The Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) has open until February 28th the 2nd Joint Transnational Call for Research Projects in the area of Microplastics in the Marine Environment, with a financial allocation of 10.5 M€.

Call is funded by 13 JPI Oceans member countries, namely Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, and also by Brazil and Latvia. Researchers from countries not participating in Call can also join with resources of their own.

JPI Oceans, through this Call, aims to promote European and transatlantic cooperation in this research area, seeking to contribute to the regional seas conventions and to the implementation of the Belém Declaration, as well as to the G7, G20 and UN objectives to reduce pollution from microplastics in the ocean.

Portuguese proposals can be submitted under topic 3 of Call - mapping and monitoring of microplastics in the marine environment, including their effects on the marine environment. Consortia must consist of research teams from at least three countries participating in Call and projects must have a maximum duration of 36 months. Projects must start in the first quarter of 2020. The maximum amount of funding requested per transnational project is 2M