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ERC Info Session 2020

The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) is organizing an information session on the European Research Council (ERC) on November 20, from 9:30 am. This online session is aimed at all researchers interested in learning more about the Studentships of the European Research Council (ERC) and how to prepare a successful application.

The Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, and the Spanish Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque, will do the opening honors of the session.

The event will continue with the participation of the Spanish and Portuguese National Contact Points for the ERC, who will provide information on how applications to the ERC's Studentships are processed. This will be followed by the participation of a panel of ERC reviewers and grantees, who will share their experience in preparing and writing a successful application. The last part of the event will be filled with Q&A, where the audience will have the opportunity to clarify questions with the national points of contact and the ERC panel.

Registration is open here and the Agenda is available here.


About ERC

The European Research Council was established by the European Union in 2007 and is the leading European funding organization for excellent research. Each year it selects and funds the best and most creative researchers of any nationality and age to carry out projects based in Europe. The ERC offers four typologies of Studentships: Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grants. It also offers Studentship Proof of Concept, which aims to bridge the gap that grant recipients face between pioneering research and the early stages of commercialization.