Exhibition "Look and See. Feel and Live - Other Portraits and Self-Portraits" at FCT
It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In a medical diagnostic environment, they are the window to the eye condition. Through the eyes, we can directly and non-invasively observe blood vessels and evaluate the cardiovascular and cerebral condition of patients. In this context, the SCREEN-DR research project, coordinated by INESC TEC and funded by FCT within the Carnegie Mellon University | Portugal partnership, proposes a computational platform for the screening of diabetic retinopathy. But they are not only diagnostic images: they can also be art. The result is the exhibition "Look and See. Feel and Live - Other Portraits and Self-Portraits" which will be open until the end of April in the main hall of the FCT, at Av. D. Carlos I, 126. See it with your own eyes.