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Studentships FCT releases results of the Call for the Attribution of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships 2016

Studentships The Foundation for Science and Technology released today the results of the 2016 Call for the Attribution of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral grants. A total of 800 doctoral and 400 postdoctoral Studentships were awarded, for a total of 1,200 Studentships, representing an increase of about 30% over the number of Studentships awarded in the same phase of Call in 2015.

The Studentships research grants are a subsidy awarded to researchers to carry out activities of a scientific and technological nature under an exclusive dedication regime. The attribution process of Studentships included several phases between the application and the disclosure of the results. After submission, and after checking their admissibility, the applications were evaluated separately by two recognized researchers in each scientific area, and external experts were also used whenever necessary.

At Call of 2016, 5262 applications were submitted, and 4,406 applications - 2,392 PhD and 2,014 Postdoctoral - were evaluated by 464 evaluators from 39 scientific panels. The success rate of the applications was thus 27%. The equivalent figure at Call in 2015 was 24%.

Grantees now selected for funding may set the start date of their work plan between October 1, 2016 and September 1, 2017. In cases where the work plan has started before the signature of the contract of Studentship, the amounts referring to the months that have elapsed in the meantime will be paid retroactively.

After the individual evaluation of all applications, the researchers from each panel met face-to-face to agree on the evaluations in the context of their disciplinary area and order the applicants by typology of Studentship. Given the funding available, FCT proposed funding to the highest ranked applicants in each panel. All applicants have since been informed of the funding proposal and have access to the panel comments that justify the classification attributed to their application. After notification, and in case of disagreement with the proposed ranking, applicants have up to 10 days to present their arguments to the panel in a Preliminary Hearing.

In 2017, FCT will significantly advance the calendar of the Call of Studentships doctoral grants. As announced, the period for submission of applications to Call 2017 for the Attribution of Doctoral Grants Studentships will take place during the next month of March. Documentation regarding this Call will be released in the coming days.

See the number of Studentships assigned per panel.