First Institutional Call for Scientific Employment Programs is now open
(available only in English)
The Notice of the Call for the first institutional support call for the funding of 400 contracts for doctoral researchers. The form will be available on February 22nd, and applications will be accepted until 5pm on March 22nd.
The objective of Call is to support the development of R&D activities, consecrating and stimulating the hiring of researchers with doctorates by scientific institutions, through Calls annually addressed to these institutions or to networks formed by them, considering the support to scientific employment plans and the development of scientific careers by higher education institutions, State Laboratories and other scientific institutions, public or private.
The support for hiring doctoral researchers aims to support, deepen and specialize the exercise of scientific research activities, technological development and management and communication in S&T, oriented to the performance of scientific missions and challenges framed in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is also intended to stimulate scientific employment, by hiring researchers with doctorates to carry out research and technological development activities, within the institutional contexts that characterize the national scientific and technological system (STCN), including institutional network cooperation, as well as to strengthen the conditions for innovation and increase the competitiveness of the productive, social and cultural fabric.
This call for applications, which is coordinated by António Cunha and António Rendas, takes place under the Scientific Employment Regulation on the opening of institutional Calls to support scientific employment. It corresponds to the first Call opened under the Stimulus Program for Scientific Employment for institutional Calls , which will be followed by the opening of a second Call until March 2019.