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Joint FCT-ALBA Post-Doctoral Program

The Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (ALBA) is receiving applications until May 31 for 4 post-doctoral positions to develop research projects involving Portuguese and Spanish scientific institutions, in the following scientific areas: biosciences, catalysis, batteries, and materials for energy and nanomaterials.

This action arises under the Collaboration Agreement between FCT and ALBA, established in February 2019, which aims to promote scientific collaboration between the two countries, in the spirit of improving scientific and technical exchange, develop common projects and facilitate access to scientific instrumentation in the institutions considered by the two scientific communities. 

This agreement created the conditions for collaboration and the various lines of possible activities, among which is the creation of a joint Post-Doctoral Program that includes the joint funding of 4 post-doctoral positions, one for each of the 4 scientific areas mentioned above. The abstracts of the selected projects, which will be developed by the selected candidates, as well as their teams and scientific areas, can be found here.

For the presentation of applications, interested parties should consult the description of the call for each position, available in the links below with the respective form for the submission of the application. More information is provided via email:

Postdoctoral researcher at ALBA's Life Sciences section to work under the Imaging phosphorylation-dependent stress response pathways in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells project Jobs Access Portal (

Postdoctoral researcher at ALBA's Materials Sciences section to work under the Data analysis-guided multimodal spectroscopy to unveil atomic dynamics in nanosized metal aggregates under methane decomposition project: Jobs Access Portal (

Postdoctoral researcher at ALBA's Materials Sciences section to work under the Rational design of advanced electrode materials based on synchrotron X-ray characterization for next generation high-performance lithium batteries project Jobs Access Portal (

Postdoctoral researcher at ALBA's Materials Sciences section to work under the Emergent magnetic and electronic properties of novel 2D layers and Moiré structures of Van-der-Waals Quantum Materials (2DMoireMagQMs project Jobs Access Portal (