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New Call MSCA4Ukraine with another 10 million euros to fund researchers displaced from Ukraine

News MSCA Ukraine

The European Commission (EC) has recently increased funding for the MSCA4Ukraine initiative with 10 million euros, thus increasing its capacity to support researchers displaced from Ukraine.

Through the Scholars at Risknetwork, a relaunch event will be held on June 14, followed by two information sessions, with the possibility of questions, on June 20 and 24. For more information and to register for the relaunch event, see:

Since 2023, this initiative, which is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), has enabled 125 displaced researchers from Ukraine to continue their training and work in 21 European countries. The extra budget will allow another 50 or so displaced researchers from Ukraine, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, to continue their work in safety.

Applications must be submitted by potential host institutions on behalf of researchers displaced from Ukraine (applicants). These can be academic or non-academic institutions in any EU Member State or country associated with Horizon Europe. Applicants must be displaced researchers, with their main residence in Ukraine as of February 24, 2022.

The funding to be awarded to researchers is aligned with the values of the MSCA Doctoral Networks (for doctoral students) and the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (for doctoral researchers), as specified in the MSCA Work Program of Horizon Europe 2021-2022.

Host institutions will receive monthly contributions of 650 euros for institutional management costs and 1000 euros for research, training and networking costs for each researcher hosted (regardless of whether they are doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers).

Potential host institutions and interested researchers will be able to consult the call documents from the beginning of June and apply from August via the MSCA4Ukraine website.

FCT is responsible for promoting the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Portugal, holding regular information sessions and proposal-writing workshops, initiatives which it publicizes via its Horizon Europe contact list (sign up here). Recordings of several of the sessions held are available on the PERIN-FCT channel on EDUCAST. FCT is also responsible for representing Portugal on the Configuration Committee of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Program at the European Union.


Seal 40 years of the Framework Program2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the European Union's Framework Program, the largest instrument for promoting European Research, Development and Innovation and the beacon for international scientific cooperation.