ERA-MIN3 launched the second Call for R&I transnational projects on “raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy” for EU strategic autonomy and successful transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy.
ERA-MIN3 is the ERA-NET Co-fund on Raw Materials, supported by European Commission’s Horizon 2020, it started on December 1st 2020 for a period of five years, and is coordinated by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal).
ERA-MIN3 is a pan-European network of research and innovation funding programmes consisting of 25 public organisations from 16 EU Member State countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, and Sweden), three EU Member state regions (Belgium-Flanders, Belgium-Wallonia, and Spain-Navarra), one Associated Country (Turkey) and three non-EU countries (Canada-Québec, Brazil and South Africa).
Built on the experience of the EU project ERA-MIN (2011-2015) and ERA-MIN 2 (2016-2022), ERA-MIN3 aims to enhance and strengthen the coordination of research and innovation programmes in the field of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials (construction, industrial and metallic minerals) in line with the integrated strategy EU Raw Materials Initiative and the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials.
Through the implementation of, at least, two joint calls for transnational collaborative R&I projects, ERA-MIN3 will support demand driven research on Primary and Secondary Resources, and Substitution of Critical Raw Materials under a circular economy approach, as well as cross-cutting issues, like the mitigation of environmental impacts and raising public awareness. The main goal of this activity is to give the opportunity to the research and innovation community to apply to world-wide coordinated funding, gaining access to leading knowledge and new markets, while reducing fragmentation of research and innovation funding across Europe and globally.
The scope of the Joint Call is needs-driven research on non-fuel, non-food raw materials (primary and secondary minerals and metals) addressing one or several areas of the circular economy. As an overarching objective, the proposed research should clearly demonstrate potential to promote the sustainable and responsible supply, processing, production, consumption and recycling of primary and secondary raw materials in a circular economy, by taking into account also appropriate non-technology aspects as environmental, social, health and circular economy issues.
The following are beneficiaries individually or in co-promotion:
a) Non-business entities of the R&I system, namely:
i. Higher education institutions, their institutes and R&D units;
ii. State or international laboratories based in Portugal;
iii. Non-profit private institutions whose main object is R&D activities;
iv. Other non-profit public and private institutions that develop or participate in scientific research activities.
b) Companies of any nature and under any legal form.
The information contained in this section does not exempt you from consulting Article 3 of the "Regulation of projects financed exclusively by national funds"
1- Consult the call documents.
2- Read the national/regional rules of all the participating countries involved in your consortium (including your own), available in the "National Annexes". Non-eligible partners may lead to the rejection of the whole consortium.
3- Access the call page.
4- Within 10 working days after the deadline for submitting of proposals, the Portuguese teams (Partners and/or Coordinators) must:
- send to the Call National Contact Point a Statement of Commitment duly signed by the Researcher in Charge and by the Head of the Portuguese applicant organization and stamped. FCT may later require the original of the statement of commitment.
The information contained on this page is only a summary of the Call information and does not exempt the careful reading of all tender documents available on this page and on the ERA MIN website (see "Links of Interest").
Single Stage:
The evaluation procedures are designed to identify as fully and accurately as possible the best proposals in terms of scientific excellence, impact, quality and efficiency of implementation, and to carry out the evaluation in a fair, transparent and homogeneous manner of all proposals submitted to the Call. The evaluation of the quality of the proposals submitted will be performed by the Scientific Evaluation Board (SEB), composed of independent international reviewers who sign Declarations of Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest.
Submitted proposals will be subject to eligibility checks carried out by the Joint Call Secretariat and the Call Steering Committee to confirm compliance with the ERA-MIN eligibility criteria and national/regional priorities, rules and regulations respectively. Each eligible proposal will be assessed against three main evaluation criteria:
1– Scientific Excellence
2– Impact
3– Implementation Quality and Efficiency
This evaluation is carried out by three independent experts from the SEB. At the SEB meeting, a ranking list will be established for eligible proposals with an overall score of 10 or higher, and with each individual major evaluation criterion scoring 3 or higher. Proposals that do not meet either the individual criteria or the overall threshold score will not be recommended for funding.
The Call Steering Committee (CSC) will decide which proposals to recommend for funding, based on the ranking list established by the SEB and taking into account the available national and regional budgets.
FCT FINANCIAL COMMITMENT AND FUNDING REGULATIONS (PORTUGAL ONLY) National funding commitment for the call: 500.000 €
24-36 months project duration: maximum requested funding for a consortium coordinated by Portugal: 150.000 €
24-36 months project duration: maximum requested funding for a consortium with Portuguese participation: 250.000 €
12-18 months project duration - maximum requested funding: 50.000 €
Note: if more than one Portuguese institution participates in a given consortium, the budget will have to be shared. Portuguese institutions must follow FCT's Legislation, Regulations and Norms. The dedication (FTE) in transnational projects is not taken into account for 100% (FTE) dedication to national projects.
Stefano Amaral
Tel: (+351) 213 524 345Dina Carrilho
Tel: (+351) 213 924 381