The document “National Regulations” concerning FCT regulations was corrected on 06/03/2024, following the publication of Regulation no. 5/2024, of 3 January which amends and republishes Regulation no. 999/2016, of 31 October.
The Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) launch the 2024 call, with national/regional funding agencies funds, for projects on water management, farming systems and agri-food chain integrating the Nexus water-energy-food-ecosystems approach across all the topics.
PRIMA Foundation is launching annual calls for research and innovation projects since 2018 in the thematic areas of its research and innovation agenda:
- Water management
- Farming systems
- Agri-food value chain
There are three topics in PRIMA Section 2 – 2024 call for research and innovation actions included in the PRIMA Research and Innovation Agenda integrating the water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach across all the topics.
- Thematic Area 1. Water management in the nexus. Topic 2.1.1-2024 (RIA) Effective water accounting approaches under crisis conditions: climate change and external shocks
- Thematic Area 2. Farming systems in the nexus. Topic 2.2.1 (RIA) Revitalizing agroforestry practices for sustainable land use and climate resilience in the Mediterranean region
- Thematic Area 3. Agri-food value chain in the nexus. Topic 2.3.1 (RIA) Leveraging urban and local food systems for sustainable food systems transformation
Depending on the research question addressed, projects should deliver tangible outputs and enhance technological and social innovation. Projects could include innovative technologies like artificial intelligence, smart digital technologies, space data, and big data analysis.
- The following are individual or co-promotion beneficiaries:
- Non-entrepreneurial entities of the R&I system, namely:
i. Higher education institutions, their institutes and R&D units;
ii. State Laboratories, Associated Laboratories or international with head office in Portugal;
iii. Non-profit private institutions whose main object is R&D activity, including Colaborative Laboratories (CoLab) and Technology and Innovation Centers (CTI);
iv. Other non-profit public and private institutions developing or participating in scientific research activities. - Companies of any type and under any legal form.
- Non-entrepreneurial entities of the R&I system, namely:
The information contained in this section does not exempt you from consulting Article 3º of the "Regulation of projects financed exclusively by national funds".
- The following are individual or co-promotion beneficiaries:
1- Consult the call documents.
2- Read the national regulations of all the participating countries involved in your consortium (including your own), available in the "National Regulations". Non-eligible partners may lead to the rejection of the whole consortium.
3- Access the call page and partner search website.
4- Within 10 working days after the deadline for submitting the pre-proposals, the Portuguese teams (Partners and/or Coordinators) must:
- send to the Call National Contact Point a Statement of Commitment duly signed by the Researcher in Charge and by the Head of the Portuguese applicant organisation and stamped. In case of electronic signature the stamp will not be needed.
The information contained on this page constitutes only a summary of the joint call information and does not exempt the candidates from carefully reading all the joint call documents available on this page and on the PRIMA website (see “useful links”).
At least four legal entities of three different countries considered as Participating States.
- At least one legal entity must be established in EU Member State or a third country Associated to H2020
- At least two must be established in third country/countries bordering the Mediterranean sea (MPC) (as defined in the AWP bordering the Mediterranean Sea: Algeria, Jordan, Israel, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt e Turkey).
Other either from EU MS or Associated country or MPC.
All four legal entities from the three different countries must be independent of each other.
Please refer to section 5.1.1 of the PRIMA Annual Work Plan 2024 (AWP 2024) for the List of countries eligible for funding.
Evaluation process:
A two-step evaluation process will be organised.
- First Step:
- Eligibility check of pre-proposals will be performed by the Call Secretariat, according to the “eligibility criteria” present in the call documents;
- Eligibility check of pre-proposals will be performed by the funding agencies contact points, according to the national requirements;
- Evaluation of the eligible pre-proposals will be performed by an independent evaluation peer-review according to call documents.
2. Second Step:
- Eligibility check of full proposals will be performed by the PRIMA Call Secretariat;
- Eligibility check of full proposals will be performed by the funding agencies contact points;
- Evaluation of the eligible full proposals will be performed by an independent peer-review according to the following criteria:
- Excellence
- Impact
- Quality and efficiency of the implementation
Funding agencies will decide on proposals selected to be funded.
FCT financial commitment for the call: 1.035.000 €
Maximum requested funding for a consortium with Portuguese coordination: 250.000 €
Maximum requested funding for a consortium with Portuguese participation: 100.000 €
Note: if more than one Portuguese institution participates in each consortium, the budget must be shared. Portuguese institutions must follow FCT's Legislation, Regulations and Norms. The dedication (FTE) in transnational projects is not considered for the 100% (FTE) dedication to national projects.