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FCT and ÜberResearch collaboration allows researchers to add project information to ORCID

During the last few weeks FCT and ÜberResearch have been making efforts to make life easier for FCT-funded researchers.

FCT has recently adopted a digital system that identifies each researcher - the ORCID iD - as a first step towards the creation of a single national data repository for researchers, organizations, scientific infrastructures, projects, Studentships and results of scientific, technological and cultural production. This integrated ecosystem of information will support research management, overcoming communication problems and interoperability issues that existing national (and institutional) systems present.

Information about projects and/or other means of funding obtained are an important component of scientific production, so it is possible to register this type of information in the respective ORCID profile. However, it has been found that, both in ORCID and in national repositories, the manual update of data on projects is laborious and ineffective in creating a reliable database. FCT and ÜberResearch worked together to solve this challenge. They were able to integrate all the information about FCT projects awarded since 2000 into ÜberResearch's global database of projects. With just a few clicks, researchers are now able to add the information about the projects to their ORCID profile.

ÜberWizward for ORCID allows researchers to import information from other funding sources, such as the NIH and NSF in the US, or the UK Research Councils and Wellcome Trust in the UK, and 50 other funding agencies.