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Studentships FCT announces Call for PhD Research 2020

The Notice of the Call of the FCT'sCall for the Attribution of Studentships for PhD Research 2020 is now available. This year the number of Studentships to be awarded is 1350 and the deadline for applications will run from March 2 to 31, until 5 pm (Lisbon time).

This year the submission of applications is made on the myFCT portal, which is the new online system to manage the application, evaluation and approval process of Studentships. Last year, FCT had already introduced the curricular platform CIÊNCIAVITAE, a novelty that speeded up the organization and submission process of the candidates' curricula.

The Studentships for Doctoral Research are subsidies awarded competitively to support the training of scientists in all areas of knowledge to obtain the academic degree of Doctor. They allow researchers to dedicate themselves exclusively to their research, thus contributing to the scientific and technological development of the country. The FCT currently supports about 5 thousand doctoral Studentships .

The research activities to be carried out by applicants under the Studentships to be awarded in this Call can be developed in any environment of production and dissemination of knowledge, national or international. The host institutions can be higher education institutions, R&D units, Associate Laboratories, Collaborative Laboratories, Technological Interface Centers, State Laboratories and other public research institutions, hospitals and health care units, other entities within the Public Administration where R&D activities are carried out, private non-profit institutions whose main objective is R&D activities, companies whose activities have been recognized as being of scientific interest or consortia in which any of these entities participate.