Science4Policy: Call Science for Public Policy Studies

It has been published the Notice of the Call for the first edition of the Science4Policy (S4P-23): Call of Science Studies for Public Policy, launched by the FCT in collaboration with the Competence Centre for Planning, Policy and Foresight in Public Administration (PlanAPP).
With a budget of one million euros, the Call aims to support the production of scientific knowledge that responds to specific needs identified in various areas of public policy. The objective is to provide evidence to support decision-making and the definition and implementation of policies, involving different areas of government.
It is intended for researchers working in research units, State Laboratories and Associate Laboratories, among other organisations in the National Science and Technology System. The studies will last a maximum of 12 months. The maximum amount awarded to each research team is between 40 and 50 thousand euros per thematic line, depending on the thematic line.
The submission of applications will take place between 13 October 2023 and 5:00 PM on 14 November 2023 (mainland Portugal time).
After consulting the Planning and Foresight Services Network of the Public Administration, RePLAN, 22 thematic lines were defined that respond to current challenges facing our country, falling within the framework of the Thematic Agendas of the Portugal 2030 Strategy and consistent with the strategic and transversal challenges that Portugal is facing.
For more information, see the page of the Call.