Ciência’18 – Meeting with Science and Technology in Portugal

In the wake of the last annual Ciência meetings, it is with renewed enthusiasm that we challenge researchers and their R&D Units to participate in Ciência 2018, attracting all citizens to debates on new scientific opportunities and challenges. This year’s meeting will take place from 2 to 4 July at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.
The program will be organized around ‘missions’ associated with major scientific and social challenges, based on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, with the intention of highlighting the need to deepen research and innovation while strengthening the mechanisms of communication and dialogue. These mechanisms are recognized as increasingly important to ensure that contributions of knowledge and technology are understood and strongly supported by society. Therefore, it is key to mobilise researchers and R&D Units for the emerging debate in Europe about the 9th European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, 2021-2028.
During the month of April, the coordinators of R&D units were invited to submit proposals for oral communications and demonstrations of R&D activities. Proposals for digital posters by PhD students will be also open.
Ciência 2018 is promoted by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in collaboration with the Agência Nacional de Cultura Científica e Tecnológica Ciência Viva and the Parliamentary Committee for Education and Science, with the institutional support of the Government through the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education.
We are certain this will be a unique moment of annual reflection on the state of Science and Technology in Portugal and in Europe.
More information on Ciência’18 – Meeting with Science and Technology in Portugal