Ciência 2016 brings together portuguese researchers from all areas
The conference exceeded all expectations, with almost 4500 registrations, over 500 posters of PhD students, 450 speakers and moderators who took part in 100 parallel sessions, and 50 hands-on demonstrations of ongoing research projects. The meeting covered many areas of scientific research, from arts and design to engineering, from the deep sea to space, from physics to education, polar science, nanotechnology and personalized medicine, among many others.
In the Seven plenary sessions, invited speakers, members of the Government and the European Commission highlighted the areas of sea and space, health, agriculture and history. Companies like Critical Software and Veniam spoke of the role research plays in their business, and the Hovione announced a plan of €5m for research projects, open to the scientific community, to address specific issues of the pharmaceutical industry. Open Science and the initiative Mais Ciência, Menos Burocracia (More Science, Less Bureaucracy) were also on debate. The importance of science was emphasized by the various policy-makers and representatives of international organisations who visited the Lisbon Congress Centre.
Ciência 2016 resumed the tradition of an annual meeting of the national scientific community for the presentation of the key issues, results and open questions in the various areas of science and technology. The Ciência series began in 2007 and continued until 2010, making it a unique moment of encounter for the Portuguese scientific community. At the end of the meeting, the 2017 edition was announced.
Ciência 2016 was organized by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in collaboration with Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional de Cultura Científica e Tecnológica, Academia das Ciências and the Parliamentary Commission for Education and Science, with the support of the Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education. Interviews conducted during the meeting are available on Facebook @encontrociencia and twitter with the hashtag #ciencia2016pt, and the opening and closing ceremony videos are available at
Photo Credits: Ciência 2016