FCT Fellowships eligible for the transitional rule of the Scientific Employment Decree listed at the website
The list of Fellowships attributed to post-doc fellows who had been directly funded by FCT consecutively for three or more years as of 1 September 2016 is available at FCT’s website. In accordance with article 23, item 4 of the decree 57/2016, in cases where employment contracts are established between those fellows and their host institutions, FCT will support those contracts.
Host institutions are responsible for launching the calls, and employment contracts are established between those institutions and the selected researchers. When those researchers are the ones whose Fellowships originated the call, FCT will fund the position for a period of up to three years, establishing a contract with the institution. When the fellow is eligible for more than one host institution, any of those can open the call, and FCT will fund the one where the fellow accepts the position.
Support documents for the selection processes – namely a Guide and draft versions of a Notice of Call and of a Grant Agreement– are available at FCT’s website, as well as a list of FAQ. For further information, specially in cases of parental or sick leave, please contact infoDL57-2016@fct.pt
List does not include all beneficiaries of the transitional rule
The list includes only reference numbers for the fellowships that may originate a Grant Agreement between FCT and the host institution. It does not include all PhDs eligible for the Transitional rule for which host institutions should open calls.