Microalgae for biodiesel production
The researchers have found that these microorganisms produce a large amount of bio oils, commonly called lipids, and proved to be robust enough to grow in wastewater. These characteristics allow a multitude of applications for food industry, biodiesel production and also in the treatment of wastewater.
According to the UAlg statement, the researchers are collaborating with industrial partners to develop microalgae cultivation and to launch it in the market, taking advantage of this organism’s capacity to absorb CO2. In this area, the recent SECIL’s Microalgae Production Unit – Algafarm – is working in partnership with CCMAR to develop technologies in order to reduce the impact of CO2 release due to its activity.
The results of the microalgae research were recentely published in Scientific Reports (from the Nature Publishing Group) and Bioresource Technology.
CCMAR is a scientific research unit of Universidade do Algarve funded by FCT. It develops projects in the areas of oceanography, marine biology, fisheries, aquaculture, ecology and biotechnology.