Expression of Interest for the creation of Research Data Management Centers

The Expression of Interest period for the creation of Research Data Management Centers is now open
The call, which runs until August 22 (new date), is part of the National Program for Open Science and Open Research Data (PNCADAI).
As part of investment RE-C05-i08 - Ciência Mais Digital (More Digital Science ) funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), the Foundation for Science and Technology is launching this call for expressions of interest for the creation of up to ten Research Data Management Centers at national level.
With the development of these centers, the applicant entities will contribute to the creation of a support network for the management and opening up of research data in Portugal, serving a community of users internal to the institution(s) and promoting the principles of FAIR Data.
The deadline for submitting proposals is August 22, 2024, at 11:59 pm.
The Appeal has been republished due to changes to points 3, 9 and 10.
The Evaluation Guide is also now available, as well as a section of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) relating to this procedure.
For more information, you can also consult the page with the detailed documentation, as well as the address where you can send proposals and/or questions regarding this process.