Information Systems
Register of Institutions
To register an institution in the FCT information systems you must do the following:
- Enter the Science and Technology Portal and log in with a user previously registered in FCT's systems.
- Choose the Institution Registration option
- Fill in the institution's data and click on Save to submit the data.
The FCT will validate the data and the institution will be available within 24 hours.
To start using the FCT systems, the institution must follow these steps:
- Confirm that the institution is registered in the FCT systems. If it is not yet registered, you can do so in the PCT under the option Institution Registration.
- Confirm that the head of the institution is registered in the FCT systems. If not yet registered, you can do it in myFCT.
- Send a request to with the name of the institution's officer, his/her SCIENCE ID, the position he/she holds, and a copy of a document proving the officer's position.
- FCT associates the manager to the institution and sends an email informing the manager that from that date on he/she can delegate permissions to users of the systems in his/her institution.
The administrators are defined by the head of the institution who was previously appointed to the FCT.
To do this the manager must enter the PCT, in the Access Delegation menu choose User Groups and add and remove users to the Administrator Group.
If no additional administrators are defined, only the manager can manage the accesses of all users in the institution.
Delegation of access is done in the PCT by any of the members of the administrators group by creating user groups and assigning access to those groups.
Please send an email to with the new data from your institution that you wish to update.
Search for several words of the institution name and the respective NIF/NIPC. If you do not find the institution, you must request its registration in the FCT institutions database by filling out the form available in Institutions Register in the Portal of Science and Technology (PCT).
If the institution has an NIF or NIPC, the name should be exactly the same as it appears in the National Register of Legal Entities. If the institution does not have NIF or NIPC the name should be the official one that appears in the applicable Statutes, Regulations, etc.
It is the translation into English, without legal value, of the name of the institution, for scientific or other evaluation purposes.
This is the Tax Identification Number. When this field is filled in the name of the institution must coincide with the one inserted in the card issued by the Tax Authorities. There are institutions registered in the FCT Database that do not have a Fiscal Identification Number.
This is the Legal Entity Identification Number. It will be blank if it coincides with the NIF. There are institutions that have NIPC and do not have NIF. In this case this field must be filled in. There are institutions that have neither NIF nor NIPC.
It is the Social Security Identification Number. There are institutions registered in the FCT Database that do not have a NISS.
It is the Economic Activities Code - Revision 3. For more information, see the document Classificação portuguesa das atividades económicas - rev 3 from INE.