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R&D Units - Funding 2020-2023

Other Current Expenses

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  • Expenses related to institutional costs for participation in European and international infrastructures and networks can be charged under this heading. Example: annual membership fees for the R&D Unit in national and international associations for the dissemination of scientific information or related to the research being conducted by the R&D Unit, and also the acquisition of access to scientific databases, insofar as this is considered to be institutional participation in an international scientific information network.

  • This item was created to accommodate institutional costs of participation in European and international infrastructures and networks. Costs arising from working meetings and/or conferences should be charged under the headings Missions or Demonstration, Promotion and Dissemination depending on the type of expenditure.

  • It is planned to be institutional in nature. Individual dues are not eligible.

  • Although it is institutional, there will have to be a relationship with the R&D Unit to which this expense is being charged.

  • This is not foreseen, because only institutional costs are eligible.

  • In addition to the infrastructures provided in the ESFRI, institutional costs can be presented for participation in other European and international networks.

  • There must be a relationship with the R&D Unit's funding objectives, just as for the other expenses to be charged to the funding.