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R&D Units - Funding 2020-2023

Demonstration, Promotion and Dissemination

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  • Expenditures arising "from the results of funding under the scientific activity" are considered eligible in accordance with point 2.5.1 (e) of the Demonstration, Promotion and Dissemination (DPD) section of the Financial Implementing Rules.

    This item should include the travel, accommodation and per diem expenses of members of the research team when participating in scientific events with intervention or communication within the funding objectives.

  • The framing of expenses under this heading is related to the objective - dissemination of funding results within the scope of scientific activity, namely in compliance with national open access policies. Thus, when members of the research team participate in scientific events with intervention or communication framed within the funding objectives, all expenses inherent to this participation are presented under this item.

  • The scientific events, as long as they are related to the activities developed by the Unit, may be those that the Unit considers relevant to its activities.

  • All these interventions may be valid depending on the context, framework, and their direct relation to the fulfillment of the R&D Unit's activity plan.

  • For publication processing costs to be accepted as eligible, scientific publications (articles or books) must comply with the rules of information and publicity of the support that originated them, have the DOI or ISBN assigned and be in open access. Publication costs are not accepted as eligible if the publications are commercialized.

  • Yes, the mentioned expenses are eligible under direct expenses, being framed in what is the unit's activity and complying with the NEF.

  • When submitting the expense, a framework must be made, justifying with evidence the non-acceptance of the article so that the situation can be subject to a case-by-case analysis.

  • No. The regulations in force must be respected, namely the Information and Publicity Standards. References to funding and identification of the R&D Unit and FCT should be as complete and up-to-date as possible, according to the mentioned regulations.

  • No. In any publication whose costs are supported by the FCT, the stipulations of the current Information and Publicity Regulations must be followed. In the case of books, the FCT logo must be accompanied by a reference to the funding and identification of the R&D Unit.

  • No. In accordance with point 2.9 of the Financial Implementing Rules, "the following expenses are considered ineligible in the scope of funding for R&D Units: (...) Transactions between institutions participating in the funding;", that is, expenses supported by documents issued by the unit's own management institutions are not eligible under funding.

  • Only expenses arising from Merchandising produced to publicize the R&D Unit directly related to the dissemination of the activities or scientific results of the funding are eligible.