R&D Units - Funding 2020-2023
Under the heading Consultants are accepted expenses for travel, accommodation, fees, among others, of partners (national or foreign) external to the team and who collaborate in the development of scientific activities of the R&D unit, provided that they comply with the Financial Implementation Rules in force. It should be noted that meal expenses are only eligible when there is no payment of fees or per diems.
Consultants cannot belong to the R&D Unit's research team. When submitting the expense, the necessary framework must be presented.
Yes, travel and subsistence expenses are eligible (expense document in the name of the managing institution) and receipt of single act (if applicable) for the services provided by the consultants. Note that in the case of meal expenses, these are only eligible when no fees or per diems are paid.
Yes, the services of consultants are eligible, provided that they are not part of the research team and that the consultancy is directly and exclusively linked to the pursuit of the scientific objectives of the project.