R&D Units - Funding 2020-2023
According to the NEF, in point 2.5.1, paragraph b), eligible expenses are "Missions (M) at home and abroad by members of the R&D Unit's research team, directly related to the objectives of the funding, except those provided for in the expenditure item Demonstration, promotion and dissemination (DPD). The legal regulations governing public expenditures, in particular Decree Law 106/98 of April 24 and Decree Law 192/95 of July 28, must be complied with. Expenses must be accompanied by proof of mission accomplishment, when applicable".
In missions at home and abroad of members of the R&D Unit research team, directly related to the funding objectives, such as:
- Hotel unit up to 3 stars;
- Meal expenses (when no per diem is paid);
- Travel expenses.
If a 3-star hotel unit is unavailable, the equivalence at cost of a hotel up to 3 stars must be proven, through the result of consultation with 4 hotel units in the same locality/zone whose classification complies with the requirements of DL no. 106/98.
In the description of expenses for a mission, the name of the researcher, place and date of the event, where the trip took place, period and reason for the trip (summary description) should be given.
In addition to the expense document, boarding passes and/or a certificate of participation in the event from the researcher must be presented.
Yes, mission expenses related to meetings to prepare applications to European projects, supported by the assumption of attracting other funding, are accepted in the funding of R&D Units 2020-2023.
Paid services provided by team members are not accepted as eligible expenses.
Since this is not a direct expense of the R&D Unit's activity, they are not eligible as direct expenses, falling under the item General Expenses (SG).
Expenses related to travel by own car may be considered eligible when there is no possibility of using public transport due to schedule incompatibility or other reason that justifies its use, given the reasonableness of the amount charged and the description made, which should be clear and precise in order to allow its analysis.
The documents to be presented must be: expense document issued in the name of the beneficiary entity and proof of payment (for example, invoice and receipt, itinerary form and justification for the need to travel by own vehicle or other associated documents).
The use of rental car transportation should only occur in cases where its use is considered absolutely indispensable to the interest of the services and upon prior authorization from the FCT, in accordance with the provisions of article 21 of DL no. 106/98.
Expenses related to traveling by own vehicle on missions abroad are not considered eligible, as they are not foreseen in DL nº 106/98 and nº 192/95.
Expenses related to travel where transport - cab, subway, boat, bus and plane - were used, should be presented in as many lines as there are invoices/receipts to be submitted for reimbursement. Only expenses supported by invoices or equivalent documents issued in the name of the beneficiary entity (proposer or participant), under the terms of Article 29 of the Value Added Tax Code (CIVA) and receipts or equivalent discharge documents may be reimbursed, and all tax requirements defined in Article 36 of the aforementioned Code must be met, except when the calculation of the value of the expense to be charged is based on simplified costs.
As for the item to be used, this will depend on the role they will have in the conference. If they are just to attend it should be presented under Missions, if they have an intervention, in the sense that they are going to communicate results of the research carried out in the Unit, the expense should be presented under DPD.