Permanent updating of the R&D units' research teams (2021)
Professional status of the team member
Yes, if you have a contract with another type of institution in Portugal, public or private, you can be part of a team in an R&D unit as an integrated researcher or collaborator. If you do not have a professional or contractual relationship with an institution in the country, you can only be part of a team as a collaborator.
Yes, you can remain as a researcher in the R&D unit. If you devote at least 20% of your normal working time to research activities in the R&D unit you can be an integrated researcher.
Yes, if the element has a Studentship or an employment contract with one of the management institutions receiving FCT funding for the R&D unit, if the respective expenditure meets the conditions of eligibility for funding and if there is budget availability under the human resources item.
The question "Do you have a professional relationship/contract?" must have the answer "Yes", then the question "Contract funded?" must have the answer "No", since FCT funding is not granted within the R&D unit, but is granted directly by FCT to the grant holder. The "Linking/contracting institution" to be selected must be the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P..
If you are not a professionally linked/contracted member of a Portuguese institution, choose the answer "No" to the question "Do you have a professional link/contract?" and then select the situation "Researcher from a foreign institution".
The list provided corresponds to institutions registered at FCT with NIPC. To register an institution with NIPC in the FCT information systems, please proceed as follows:
- Enter the Science and Technology Portal and log in with a user previously registered in FCT's systems,
- Choose the Institution Registration option,
- Fill in the institution's data and click on SAVE to submit the data.
FCT will validate the data and the institution will be available on the platform.
Contracts of Studentship and employment contracts that are fully or partially funded by the multi-annual funding 2020-2023 (base and programmatic) granted by FCT to the R&D unit or employment contracts that are fully or partially funded by Associate Laboratory are considered as "funded contracts". Other contracts also funded by FCT under the Scientific Employment Program, research or infrastructure projects and contracts of Studentship directly funded by FCT should not be marked as "Funded contract".
The information in question was provided by DGEEC within the framework of the Scientific and Faculty Employment Observatory (OECD), and cannot be changed directly on this platform, with the exception of the field "End date of link/contract", when the end date of the link or contract is extended. Updates/corrections made within the OECD are automatically transferred to the FCT platform even if the information has been submitted and the element is in the "Confirmed" status.