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Ocean Program

Created in 2015, the Ocean Programme is a permanent support programme for the FCT Board of Directors and for monitoring Marine Sciences and Technologies (MST). Its mission is to maximise dialogue with the various scientific communities that make up this transdisciplinary area, to inform the decision-making of the Board of Directors about research and innovation in the field of MST, coordinate national MST activities, and Portuguese participation in European and international organisations.

The maritime sector has been a national endeavour since 2006, with the launch of the first National Ocean Strategy (NOS). The National Ocean Strategies (2006-2012; 2013-2020; current 2021-2030) have enabled Portugal to respond to the challenges posed by the promotion, growth and competitiveness of the maritime economy, given the significant political and strategic changes that have taken place at European and global level. Portugal's effective return to the sea thus depends on the implementation of a strategy based on knowledge and technological progress and the size and geography of the national territory, both emersed and immersed, including the new extended dimension resulting from the submission for the extension of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles.

The high standard set by the marine sector and by the marine sciences and technologies establish goals that challenge existing technological capacities and exceptionally encourage transdisciplinarity and the internationalisation of all entities involved. This sector is characterised by the activity of a set of laboratories, scientific research centres and high-tech companies, in which the interaction between different academic communities and between them and industry is a fundamental pillar.


  • To advise and counsel the FCT's Board of Directors on maritime matters, in particular its scientific and technological component;
  • To analyse and explore the benefits of national participation in European and international maritime programmes and institutions/organizations for FCT in particular, and for Portuguese society and economy in general, supporting and stimulating the work of the National Delegates;
  • Establish synergies with national entities with activity and/or competence in maritime affairs, promoting the valorisation of the results of research funded by the FCT in MST, in line with the science and knowledge component of the National Ocean Strategy and in accordance with the National and regional Smart Specialisation Strategies where the maritime domain has been identified as a priority;
  • Represent FCT in national, European or international initiatives in the field of MST;
  • Produce analyses of the evolution of the MST in Portugal, and in its relationship with the European and international context.

Portuguese R&D institutions at sea

Consult here the Portuguese R&D institutions at sea

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